Picture Books and Voice Assistants: Natural Partners?

Imagine you’re reading a picture book to a four-year-old child. But this isn’t a traditional reading experience. As you read the words aloud, a smart speaker recognises them and joins in with music and sound effects. You can ask the voice assistant for activities and questions to support reading, play audio games taking you beyond the page – even create personalized versions of the story.

Babinko’s first project When the Music Played combines a single printed picture book with multiple interactive audio experiences. It’s a project designed to reflect the way picture books are actually read – read aloud by a parent to child, and read tens (or even hundreds!) of times, with each reading being different.

The interactive audio is designed to support and extend – never replace – these critical shared reading experiences.

When the Music Played raises fresh, fascinating questions about the nature of interactivity, the future of books, and the relationships between children, parents, authors and illustrators. To stay up to date with Babinko and be the first to know when When the Music Played publishes, join our mailing list!